

Bhsd讨论 | 贡献2020年8月26日 (三) 04:21的版本
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  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
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  • Opera:前往菜单 → 设置(Mac为Opera → Preferences),然后隐私和安全 → 清除浏览数据 → 缓存的图片和文件
* Cat-a-lot
* Changes category of multiple files
* @rev 00:13, 10 February 2018 (UTC)
* @author Originally by Magnus Manske (2007)
* @author RegExes by Ilmari Karonen (2010)
* @author Completely rewritten by DieBuche (2010-2012)
* @author Rillke (2012-2014)
* @author Perhelion (2017)

* [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-Cat-a-lot.js/translating]

/* global jQuery, mediaWiki */
/* eslint one-var:0, vars-on-top:0, no-underscore-dangle:0, valid-jsdoc:0,
curly:0, camelcase:0, no-useless-escape:0, no-alert:0 */ // extends: wikimedia
/* jshint unused:true, forin:false, smarttabs:true, loopfunc:true, browser:true */

( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';

var formattedNS = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' ),
    ns = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ),
    nsIDs = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ),
    userGrp = mw.config.get( 'wgUserGroups' ),
    project = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' );

var msgs = {
// Preferences
// new: added 2012-09-19. Please translate.
// Use user language for i18n
    'cat-a-lot-uncatpref': '移除 {{Uncategorized}}',
    'cat-a-lot-comment-label': wgULS('自定义编辑摘要','自定義編輯摘要'),
    'cat-a-lot-edit-question': wgULS('请输入编辑摘要:','請輸入編輯摘要:'),

    // Progress
    'cat-a-lot-editing': 'Editing page',
    'cat-a-lot-of': 'of ',
    'cat-a-lot-skipped-already': 'The following {{PLURAL:$1|1=page was|$1 pages were}} skipped, because the page was already in the category:',
    'cat-a-lot-skipped-not-found': 'The following {{PLURAL:$1|1=page was|$1 pages were}} skipped, because the old category could not be found:',
    'cat-a-lot-skipped-server': 'The following {{PLURAL:$1|1=page|$1 pages}} couldn‘t be changed, since there were problems connecting to the server:',
    'cat-a-lot-all-done': 'All pages are processed.',
    'cat-a-lot-done': 'Done!', // mw.msg("Feedback-close")
    'cat-a-lot-added-cat': 'Added category $1',
    'cat-a-lot-copied-cat': 'Copied to category $1',
    'cat-a-lot-moved-cat': 'Moved to category $1',
    'cat-a-lot-removed-cat': 'Removed from category $1',
    'cat-a-lot-return-to-page': 'Return to page',

    // as in 17 files selected
    'cat-a-lot-files-selected': '{{PLURAL:$1|1=One file|$1 files}} selected.',
    'cat-a-lot-pe_file': '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} of $2 affected',

    // Actions
    'cat-a-lot-copy': 'Copy',
    'cat-a-lot-move': 'Move',
    'cat-a-lot-add': 'Add',
    'cat-a-lot-remove-from-cat': 'Remove',
    'cat-a-lot-overcat': wgULS('检测过度分类','檢測過度分類'),
    'cat-a-lot-enter-name': 'Enter category name',
    'cat-a-lot-select': 'Select',
    'cat-a-lot-all': 'all',
    'cat-a-lot-none': 'none',

    // Summaries (project language):
    'cat-a-lot-summary-add': 'Adding [[Category:$1]]',
    'cat-a-lot-summary-copy': 'Copying from [[Category:$1]] to [[Category:$2]]',
    'cat-a-lot-summary-move': 'Moving from [[Category:$1]] to [[Category:$2]]',
    'cat-a-lot-summary-remove': 'Removing from [[Category:$1]]',
    'cat-a-lot-prefix-summary': '使用Cat-a-lot小工具',
    'cat-a-lot-using-summary': ''
mw.messages.set( msgs );

function msg( /* params */ ) {
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 );
    args[ 0 ] = 'cat-a-lot-' + args[ 0 ];
    return ( args.length === 1 ) ?
        mw.message( args[ 0 ] ).plain() :
        mw.message.apply( mw.message, args ).parse();

// There is only one Cat-a-lot on one page
var $body, $container, $dataContainer, $searchInputContainer, $searchInput, $resultList, $markCounter, $selections,
    $selectFiles, $selectPages, $selectNone, $selectInvert, $head, $link, $overcat,
    commonsURL = 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php',
    is_rtl = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ),
    reCat, // localized category search regexp
    r; // result file count for overcat

var CAL = mw.libs.catALot = {
    apiUrl: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
    origin: '',
    searchmode: false,
    version: '4.77',
    setHeight: 450,
    changeTag: 'Cat-a-lot',

    settings: {
    /* Any category in this category is deemed a disambiguation category; i.e., a category that should not contain
any items, but that contains links to other categories where stuff should be categorized. If you don't have
that concept on your wiki, set it to null. Use blanks, not underscores. */
        disambig_category: null, // Commons and EnWP
        /* Any category in this category is deemed a (soft) redirect to some other category defined by a link
* to another non-blacklisted category. If your wiki doesn't have soft category redirects, set this to null.
* If a soft-redirected category contains more than one link to another non-blacklisted category, it's considered
* a disambiguation category instead. */
        redir_category: null

    init: function () {
        // TODO: better extern project support for possible change-tag? (needs currently change after init)
        if ( project === 'commonswiki' ) { mw.messages.set( { 'cat-a-lot-using-summary': '' } ); } else { // Reset
            this.changeTag = '';
            this.settings.redir_category = '';

        $body = $( document.body );
        $container = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot' )
            .appendTo( $body );
        $dataContainer = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_data' )
            .appendTo( $container );
        $searchInputContainer = $( '<div>' )
            .appendTo( $dataContainer );
        $searchInput = $( '<input>', {
            id: 'cat_a_lot_searchcatname',
            placeholder: msg( 'enter-name' ),
            type: 'text'
        } )
            .appendTo( $searchInputContainer );
        $resultList = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_category_list' )
            .appendTo( $dataContainer );
        $markCounter = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_mark_counter' )
            .appendTo( $dataContainer );
        $selections = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_selections' )
            .text( msg( 'select' ) + ':' )
            .appendTo( $dataContainer );
        $head = $( '<div>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_head' )
            .appendTo( $container );
        $link = $( '<a>' )
            .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_toggle' )
            .text( 'Cat-a-lot' )
            .appendTo( $head );

        if ( this.origin && !non ) {
            $overcat = $( '<a>' )
                .attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_overcat' )
                .html( msg( 'overcat' ) )
                .on( 'click', function ( e ) {
                    CAL.getOverCat( e );
                } )
                .insertBefore( $selections );

        reCat = new RegExp( '^\\s*' + CAL.localizedRegex( 14, 'Category' ) + ':', '' );

        $searchInput.on( 'keypress', function ( e ) {
            if ( e.which === 13 ) {
                CAL.updateCats( $.trim( $( this ).val().replace( /[\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E]/g, '' ) ) );
                mw.cookie.set( 'catAlot', CAL.currentCategory );
        } )
            .on( 'input keyup', function () {
                var oldVal = this.value,
                    newVal = oldVal.replace( reCat, '' );
                if ( newVal !== oldVal ) { this.value = newVal; }

                if ( !newVal ) { mw.cookie.set( 'catAlot', null ); }
            } );

        function initAutocomplete() {
            if ( CAL.autoCompleteIsEnabled ) { return; }

            CAL.autoCompleteIsEnabled = true;

            if ( !$searchInput.val() && mw.cookie && mw.cookie.get( 'catAlot' ) ) { $searchInput.val( mw.cookie.get( 'catAlot' ) ); }

            $searchInput.autocomplete( {
                source: function ( request, response ) {
                    CAL.doAPICall( {
                        action: 'opensearch',
                        search: request.term,
                        redirects: 'resolve',
                        namespace: 14
                    }, function ( data ) {
                        if ( data[ 1 ] ) {
                            response( $( data[ 1 ] )
                                .map( function ( index, item ) {
                                    return item.replace( reCat, '' );
                                } ) );
                    } );
                open: function () {
                    $( '.ui-autocomplete' )
                        .position( {
                            my: is_rtl ? 'left bottom' : 'right bottom',
                            at: is_rtl ? 'left top' : 'right top',
                            of: $searchInput
                        } );
                appendTo: '#cat_a_lot'
            } );
        $( '<a>' )
            .text( msg( 'all' ) )
            .on( 'click', function () {
                CAL.toggleAll( true );
            } )
            .appendTo( $selections.append( ' ' ) );
        if ( this.settings.editpages ) {
            $selectFiles = $( '<a>' )
                .on( 'click', function () {
                    CAL.toggleAll( 'files' );
                } );
            $selectPages = $( '<a>' )
                .on( 'click', function () {
                    CAL.toggleAll( 'pages' );
                } );
            $selections.append( $( '<span>' ).hide().append( [ ' / ', $selectFiles, ' / ', $selectPages ] ) );
        $selectNone = $( '<a>' )
            .text( msg( 'none' ) )
            .on( 'click', function () {
                CAL.toggleAll( false );
            } );
        $selectInvert = $( '<a>' )
            .on( 'click', function () {
                CAL.toggleAll( null );
            } );
        $selections.append( [ ' • ', $selectNone, ' • ', $selectInvert,
            $( '<div>' ).append( [
                $( '<label>' )
                    .attr( {
                        'for': 'cat_a_lot_comment',
                        style: 'line-height:1.5em;vertical-align:bottom'
                    } )
                    .text( msg( 'comment-label' ) ),
                $( '<input>' )
                    .attr( {
                        id: 'cat_a_lot_comment',
                        type: 'checkbox'
                    } )
            ] )
        ] );

            .on( 'click', function () {
                $( this ).toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_enabled' );
                // Load autocomplete on demand
                initAutocomplete ();

                if ( !CAL.executed ) {
                    $.when( mw.loader.using( [
                    ] ), $.ready )
                        .then( function () {
                            return new mw.Api().loadMessagesIfMissing( [
                                // 'Checkuser-all',
                                // 'Code-field-select',
                                // 'Export-addcat',
                                // 'Visualeditor-clipboard-copy',
                                'Centralnotice-remove', // 'Ooui-item-remove'
                            ] );
                        } ).then( function () {
                        } );
                } else { CAL.run(); }
            } );
        this.localCatName = formattedNS[ 14 ] + ':';
        mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.cookie', function () { // Let catAlot stay open
            var val = mw.cookie.get( 'catAlotO' );
            if ( val && Number( val ) === ns ) { $link.click(); }

    getOverCat: function ( e ) {
        var files = [];
        r = 0; // result counter
        if ( e ) {
            this.files = this.getMarkedLabels(); // .toArray() not working
            for ( var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++ ) { files.push( this.files[ f ] ); }

        if ( !files.length || !( files instanceof Array ) ) { return alert( mw.msg( 'Ooui-selectfile-placeholder' ) ); }
        this.files = files;
        mw.loader.using( [ 'jquery.spinner' ], function () {
            $markCounter.injectSpinner( 'overcat' );
        } );

    getFileCats: function () {
        var aLen = this.files.length;
        var bLen = this.selectedLabels.length;
        var file = this.files[ aLen - 1 ][ 0 ];
        $overcat.text( '…' + aLen + '\/' + bLen );
        if ( file ) {
            this.doAPICall( {
                prop: 'categories',
                titles: file
            }, this.checkFileCats


    checkFileCats: function ( data ) {
        var cc = 0; // current cat counter;
        var file = CAL.files.pop();
        if ( data.query && data.query.pages ) {
            $.each( data.query.pages, function ( id, page ) {
                if ( page.categories ) {
                    var target = file[ 1 ].removeClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' );
                    $.each( page.categories, function ( c, cat ) {
                        var title = cat.title.replace( reCat, '' ),
                            color = 'orange',
                            mark = function ( kind ) { // kind of category
                            // TODO: store data to use this for special remove function
                                if ( kind === 'sub' ) { color = 'green'; }
                                var border = '3px dotted ';
                                if ( $.inArray( title, CAL[ kind + 'Cats' ] ) !== -1 ) {
                                    target = target.parents( '.gallerybox' );
                                    target = target[ 0 ] ? target : file[ 1 ];
                                    target.css( {
                                        border: border + color
                                    } ).prop( 'title', msg( kind + '-cat' ) + title );
                                    color = 'red';
                                    return false;
                        mark( 'sub' );
                        return mark( 'parent' );
                    } );
                    if ( cc ) { r++; }
            } );
        } else { mw.log( 'Api-fail', file, data ); }
        if ( CAL.files[ 0 ] ) { return setTimeout( function () { CAL.getFileCats(); }, 100 ); } // Api has bad performance here, so we can get only each file separately
        $overcat.text( msg( 'pe_file', r, CAL.selectedLabels.length ) );
        $.removeSpinner( 'overcat' );

    findAllLabels: function ( searchmode ) {
    // It's possible to allow any kind of pages as well but what happens if you click on "select all" and don't expect it
        switch ( searchmode ) {
            case 'search':
                this.labels = this.labels.add( $( 'table.searchResultImage' ).find( 'tr>td:eq(1)' ) );
                if ( this.settings.editpages ) { this.labels = this.labels.add( 'div.mw-search-result-heading' ); }
            case 'category':
                this.findAllLabels( 'gallery' );
                this.labels = this.labels.add( $( '#mw-category-media' ).find( 'li[class!="gallerybox"]' ) );
                if ( this.settings.editpages ) {
                    this.pageLabels = $( '#mw-pages, #mw-subcategories' ).find( 'li' );
                    // this.files = this.labels;
                    this.labels = this.labels.add( this.pageLabels );
            case 'contribs':
                this.labels = this.labels.add( $( 'ul.mw-contributions-list li' ) );
                // FIXME: Filter if !this.settings.editpages
            case 'prefix':
                this.labels = this.labels.add( $( 'ul.mw-prefixindex-list li' ) );
            case 'listfiles':
            // this.labels = this.labels.add( $( 'table.listfiles>tbody>tr' ).find( 'td:eq(1)' ) );
                this.labels = this.labels.add( $( '.TablePager_col_img_name' ) );
            case 'gallery':
            // this.labels = this.labels.add( '.gallerybox' ); // TODO incombatible with GalleryDetails
                this.labels = this.labels.add( '.gallerytext' );

    getTitleFromLink: function ( $a ) {
        try {
            return decodeURIComponent( $a.attr( 'href' ) )
                .match( /zh\/(.+?)(?:#.+)?$/ )[ 1 ].replace( /_/g, ' ' );
        } catch ( ex ) {
            return '';

*  @brief Get title from selected pages
*  @return [array] touple of page title and $object
    getMarkedLabels: function () {
        this.selectedLabels = this.labels.filter( '.cat_a_lot_selected:visible' );
        return this.selectedLabels.map( function () {
            var label = $( this ), file = label.find( 'a[title][class$="title"]' );
            file = file.length ? file : label.find( 'a[title]' );
            var title = file.attr( 'title' ) ||
            CAL.getTitleFromLink( file ) ||
            CAL.getTitleFromLink( label.find( 'a' ) ) ||
            CAL.getTitleFromLink( label.parent().find( 'a' ) ); // TODO needs optimization
            if ( title.indexOf( formattedNS[ 2 ] + ':' ) ) { return [ [ title, label ] ]; }
        } );

    updateSelectionCounter: function () {
        this.selectedLabels = this.labels.filter( '.cat_a_lot_selected:visible' );
        var first = $markCounter.is( ':hidden' );
            .html( msg( 'files-selected', this.selectedLabels.length ) )
        if ( first && !$dataContainer.is( ':hidden' ) ) { // Workaround to fix position glitch
            first = $markCounter.innerHeight();
                .offset( { top: $container.offset().top - first } )
                .height( $container.height() + first );
            $( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function () {
                if ( CAL.labels.filter( '.cat_a_lot_selected:visible' )[ 0 ] ) { return 'You have pages selected!'; } // There is a default message in the browser
            } );

    makeClickable: function () {
        this.labels = $();
        this.pageLabels = $(); // only for distinct all selections
        this.findAllLabels( this.searchmode );
        this.labels.catALotShiftClick( function () {
        } )
            .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_label' );

    toggleAll: function ( select ) {
        if ( typeof select === 'string' && select === 'files' ) {
            if ( this.pageLabels[ 0 ] ) // pages remain unchanged
            { this.pageLabels.toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' ); }
            this.labels.toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' );
        } else if ( typeof select === 'string' && select === 'pages' ) {
            if ( this.pageLabels[ 0 ] ) // files remain unchanged
            { this.pageLabels.toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' ); }
        } else {
        // invert / none / all
            this.labels.toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected', select );

    getSubCats: function () {
        var data = {
            list: 'categorymembers',
            cmtype: 'subcat',
            cmlimit: this.settings.subcatcount,
            cmtitle: 'Category:' + this.currentCategory

        this.doAPICall( data, function ( result ) {
            var cats = result.query.categorymembers;
            CAL.subCats = [];
            for ( var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ ) { CAL.subCats.push( cats[ i ].title.replace( /^[^:]+:/, '' ) ); }

            if ( CAL.catCounter === 2 ) { CAL.showCategoryList(); }

        } );

    getParentCats: function () {
        var data = {
            prop: 'categories',
            titles: 'Category:' + this.currentCategory
        this.doAPICall( data, function ( result ) {
            CAL.parentCats = [];
            var cats,
                pages = result.query.pages,
                table = $( '<table>' );

            if ( pages[ -1 ] && pages[ -1 ].missing === '' ) {
                $resultList.html( '<span id="cat_a_lot_no_found">' + mw.msg( 'Categorytree-not-found', this.currentCategory ) + '</span>' );
                document.body.style.cursor = 'auto';
                CAL.createCatLinks( '→', [ CAL.currentCategory ], table );
                $resultList.append( table );
            // there should be only one, but we don't know its ID
            for ( var id in pages ) { cats = pages[ id ].categories || []; }

            for ( var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ ) { CAL.parentCats.push( cats[ i ].title.replace( /^[^:]+:/, '' ) ); }

            if ( CAL.catCounter === 2 ) { CAL.showCategoryList(); }

        } );

    localizedRegex: function ( namespaceNumber, fallback ) {
    // Copied from HotCat, thanks Lupo.
        var wikiTextBlank = '[\\t _\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000-\\u200A\\u2028\\u2029\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000]+';
        var wikiTextBlankRE = new RegExp( wikiTextBlank, 'g' );
        var createRegexStr = function ( name ) {
            if ( !name || !name.length ) { return ''; }

            var regexName = '';
            for ( var i = 0; i < name.length; i++ ) {
                var ii = name[ i ];
                var ll = ii.toLowerCase();
                var ul = ii.toUpperCase();
                regexName += ( ll === ul ) ? ii : '[' + ll + ul + ']';
            return regexName.replace( /([\\\^\$\.\?\*\+\(\)])/g, '\\$1' )
                .replace( wikiTextBlankRE, wikiTextBlank );

        fallback = fallback.toLowerCase();
        var canonical = formattedNS[ namespaceNumber ].toLowerCase();
        var RegexString = createRegexStr( canonical );
        if ( fallback && canonical !== fallback ) { RegexString += '|' + createRegexStr( fallback ); }

        for ( var catName in nsIDs ) { if ( typeof catName === 'string' && catName.toLowerCase() !== canonical && catName.toLowerCase() !== fallback && nsIDs[ catName ] === namespaceNumber ) { RegexString += '|' + createRegexStr( catName ); } }

        return ( '(?:' + RegexString + ')' );

    regexCatBuilder: function ( category ) {
        var catname = this.localizedRegex( 14, 'Category' );

        // Build a regexp string for matching the given category:
        // trim leading/trailing whitespace and underscores
        category = category.replace( /^[\s_]+|[\s_]+$/g, '' );

        // escape regexp metacharacters (= any ASCII punctuation except _)
        category = mw.util.escapeRegExp( category );

        // any sequence of spaces and underscores should match any other
        category = category.replace( /[\s_]+/g, '[\\s_]+' );

        // Make the first character case-insensitive:
        var first = category.substr( 0, 1 );
        if ( first.toUpperCase() !== first.toLowerCase() ) { category = '[' + first.toUpperCase() + first.toLowerCase() + ']' + category.substr( 1 ); }

		// 繁简转换
		if ( window.CatALotSourceCat && window.CatALotSourceCat.includes(category) ) {
			category = '(?:' + window.CatALotSourceCat.join('|') + ')';

        // Compile it into a RegExp that matches MediaWiki category syntax (yeah, it looks ugly):
        // XXX: the first capturing parens are assumed to match the sortkey, if present, including the | but excluding the ]]
        return new RegExp( '\\[\\[[\\s_]*' + catname + '[\\s_]*:[\\s_]*' + category + '[\\s_]*(\\|[^\\]]*(?:\\][^\\]]+)*)?\\]\\]\\s*', 'g' );

    getContent: function ( page, targetcat, mode ) {
        if ( !this.cancelled ) {
            this.doAPICall( {
                curtimestamp: 1,
                // meta: 'tokens',
                prop: 'revisions',
                rvprop: 'content|timestamp',
                titles: page[ 0 ]
            }, function ( result ) {
                CAL.editCategories( result, page, targetcat, mode );
            } );


    getTargetCat: function ( pages, targetcat, mode ) {
        if ( !this.cancelled ) {
            this.doAPICall( {
                meta: 'tokens',
                prop: 'categories|categoryinfo',
                titles: 'Category:' + targetcat
            }, function ( result ) {
                if ( !result || !result.query ) { return; }
                CAL.edittoken = result.query.tokens.csrftoken;
                result = CAL._getPageQuery( result );
                CAL.checkTargetCat( result );
                for ( var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++ ) { CAL.getContent( pages[ i ], targetcat, mode ); }

            } );


    checkTargetCat: function ( page ) {
        var is_dab = false; // disambiguation
        var is_redir = typeof page.redirect === 'string'; // Hard redirect?
        if ( typeof page.missing === 'string' ) { return alert( mw.msg( 'Apifeatureusage-warnings', mw.msg( 'Categorytree-not-found', page.title ) ) ); }
        var cats = page.categories;
        this.is_hidden = page.categoryinfo && typeof page.categoryinfo.hidden === 'string';

        if ( !is_redir && cats && ( CAL.disambig_category || CAL.redir_category ) ) {
            for ( var c = 0; c < cats.length; c++ ) {
                var cat = cats[ c ].title;
                if ( cat ) { // Strip namespace prefix
                    cat = cat.substring( cat.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ).replace( /_/g, ' ' );
                    if ( cat === CAL.disambig_category ) {
                        is_dab = true; break;
                    } else if ( cat === CAL.redir_category ) {
                        is_redir = true; break;

        if ( !is_redir && !is_dab ) { return; }
        alert( mw.msg( 'Apifeatureusage-warnings', page.title + ' is a ' + CAL.disambig_category ) );

    // Remove {{Uncategorized}} (also with comment). No need to replace it with anything.
    removeUncat: function ( text ) {
        return ( this.settings.uncat ? text.replace( /\{\{\s*[Uu]ncategorized\s*[^}]*\}\}\s*(<!--.*?-->\s*)?/, '' ) : text );

    doCleanup: function ( text ) {
        return ( this.settings.docleanup ? text.replace( /\{\{\s*[Cc]heck categories\s*(\|?.*?)\}\}/, '' ) : text );

    editCategories: function ( result, file, targetcat, mode ) {
        if ( !result || !result.query ) {
        // Happens on unstable wifi connections..
            this.connectionError.push( file[ 0 ] );
        var otext,
            page = CAL._getPageQuery( result );
        if ( page.ns === 2 ) { return; }
        var id = page.revisions[ 0 ],
            catNS = this.localCatName; // canonical cat-name

        this.starttimestamp = result.curtimestamp;
        otext = id[ '*' ];
        timestamp = id.timestamp;

        var sourcecat = this.origin;
        // Check if that file is already in that category
        if ( mode !== 'remove' && this.regexCatBuilder( targetcat ).test( otext ) ) {
            // If the new cat is already there, just remove the old one
            if ( mode === 'move' ) {
                mode = 'remove';
                targetcat = sourcecat;
            } else {
                this.alreadyThere.push( file[ 0 ] );

        // Text modification (following 3 functions are partialy taken from HotCat)
        var wikiTextBlankOrBidi = '[\\t _\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000-\\u200B\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028-\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000]*';
        // Whitespace regexp for handling whitespace between link components. Including the horizontal tab, but not \n\r\f\v:
        // a link must be on one single line.
        // MediaWiki also removes Unicode bidi override characters in page titles (and namespace names) completely.
        // This is *not* handled, as it would require us to allow any of [\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E] between any two
        // characters inside a category link. It _could_ be done though... We _do_ handle strange spaces, including the
        // zero-width space \u200B, and bidi overrides between the components of a category link (adjacent to the colon,
        // or adjacent to and inside of "[[" and "]]").
        var findCatsRE = new RegExp( '\\[\\[' + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + this.localizedRegex( 14, 'Category' ) + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + ':[^\\]]+\\]\\]', 'g' );

        function replaceByBlanks( match ) {
            return match.replace( /(\s|\S)/g, ' ' ); // /./ doesn't match linebreaks. /(\s|\S)/ does.

        function find_insertionpoint( wikitext ) {
            var copiedtext = wikitext
                .replace( /<!--(\s|\S)*?-->/g, replaceByBlanks )
                .replace( /<nowiki>(\s|\S)*?<\/nowiki>/g, replaceByBlanks );
            // Search in copiedtext to avoid that we insert inside an HTML comment or a nowiki "element".
            var index = -1;
            findCatsRE.lastIndex = 0;
            while ( findCatsRE.exec( copiedtext ) !== null ) { index = findCatsRE.lastIndex; }

            return index;

*  @brief Adds the new Category by searching the right insert point,
*         if there is text after the category section
*  @param [string] wikitext
*  @param [string] toAdd
*  @return Return wikitext
        function addCategory( wikitext, toAdd ) {
            if ( toAdd && toAdd[ 0 ] ) {
            // TODO: support sort key
                var cat_point = find_insertionpoint( wikitext ); // Position of last category
                var newcatstring = '[[' + catNS + toAdd + ']]';
                if ( cat_point > -1 ) {
                    var suffix = wikitext.substring( cat_point );
                    wikitext = wikitext.substring( 0, cat_point ) + ( cat_point ? '\n' : '' ) + newcatstring;
                    if ( suffix[ 0 ] && suffix.substr( 0, 1 ) !== '\n' ) { wikitext += '\n'; }
                    wikitext += suffix;
                } else {
                    if ( wikitext[ 0 ] && wikitext.substr( wikitext.length - 1, 1 ) !== '\n' ) { wikitext += '\n'; }

                    wikitext += ( wikitext[ 0 ] ? '\n' : '' ) + newcatstring;
            return wikitext;
        // End HotCat functions

        var text = otext,
            arr = is_rtl ? '\u2190' : '\u2192', // left and right arrows. Don't use ← and → in the code.
            sumCmt, // summary comment
        // Fix text
        switch ( mode ) {
            case 'add':
                text = addCategory( text, targetcat );
                sumCmt = msg( 'summary-add' ).replace( /\$1/g, targetcat );
                sumCmtShort = '+[[' + catNS + targetcat + ']]';
            case 'copy':
                text = text.replace( this.regexCatBuilder( sourcecat ), '[[' + catNS + sourcecat + '$1]]\n[[' + catNS + targetcat + '$1]]\n' );
                sumCmt = msg( 'summary-copy' ).replace( /\$1/g, sourcecat ).replace( /\$2/g, targetcat );
                sumCmtShort = '+[[' + catNS + sourcecat + ']]' + arr + '[[' + catNS + targetcat + ']]';
                // If category is added through template:
                if ( otext === text ) { text = addCategory( text, targetcat ); }

            case 'move':
                text = text.replace( this.regexCatBuilder( sourcecat ), '[[' + catNS + targetcat + '$1]]\n' );
                sumCmt = msg( 'summary-move' ).replace( /\$1/g, sourcecat ).replace( /\$2/g, targetcat );
                sumCmtShort = '±[[' + catNS + sourcecat + ']]' + arr + '[[' + catNS + targetcat + ']]';
            case 'remove':
                text = text.replace( this.regexCatBuilder( targetcat ), '' );
                sumCmt = msg( 'summary-remove' ).replace( /\$1/g, targetcat );
                sumCmtShort = '-[[' + catNS + targetcat + ']]';

        if ( text === otext ) {
            this.notFound.push( file[ 0 ] );
        otext = text;

        // Remove {{uncat}} after we checked whether we changed the text successfully.
        // Otherwise we might fail to do the changes, but still replace {{uncat}}
        if ( mode !== 'remove' && ( !non || userGrp.indexOf( 'autoconfirmed' ) > -1 ) ) {
            if ( !this.is_hidden ) {
                text = this.removeUncat( text );
                if ( text.length !== otext.length ) { sumCmt += '; ' + msg( 'uncatpref' ); }
            text = this.doCleanup( text );

        sumCmt += this.summary ? ' ' + this.summary : '';

        var preM = msg( 'prefix-summary' );
        var usgM = msg( 'using-summary' );
        // Try shorten summary
        if ( preM || usgM )    {
            sumCmt = ( sumCmt.length > 250 - preM.length - usgM.length ) ?
                sumCmt + ' (CatAlot)' : preM + sumCmt + usgM;

        if ( sumCmt.length > 254 ) // Try short summary
        { sumCmt = sumCmtShort; }

        var data = {
            action: 'edit',
            assert: 'user',
            summary: sumCmt,
            title: file[ 0 ],
            text: text,
            bot: true,
            starttimestamp: this.starttimestamp,
            basetimestamp: timestamp,
            watchlist: this.settings.watchlist,
            minor: this.settings.minor,
            tags: this.changeTag,
            token: this.edittoken

        this.doAPICall( data, function ( r ) {
            delete CAL.XHR[ file[ 0 ] ];
            return CAL.updateUndoCounter( r );
        } );
        this.markAsDone( file[ 1 ], mode, targetcat );

    markAsDone: function ( label, mode, targetcat ) {
        mode = ( function ( m ) {
            switch ( m ) {
                case 'add': return 'added-cat';
                case 'copy': return 'copied-cat';
                case 'move': return 'moved-cat';
                case 'remove': return 'removed-cat';
        }( mode ) );
        label.addClass( 'cat_a_lot_markAsDone' ).append( '<br>' + msg( mode, targetcat ) );

    updateUndoCounter: function ( r ) {
        if ( !r.edit || r.edit.result !== 'Success' ) { return; }
        r = r.edit;

        this.undoList.push( {
            title: r.title,
            id: r.newrevid,
            timestamp: r.newtimestamp
        } );

    updateCounter: function () {
        if ( this.counterCurrent > this.counterNeeded ) { this.displayResult(); } else { this.domCounter.text( this.counterCurrent ); }

    displayResult: function () {
        document.body.style.cursor = 'auto';
        $.removeSpinner( 'fb-dialog' );
            .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_done' )
            .find( '.ui-dialog-buttonpane button span' ).eq( 0 )
            .text( mw.msg( 'cat-a-lot-return-to-page' ) );
        var rep = this.domCounter.parent()
            .height( 'auto' )
            .html( '<h3>' + msg( 'done' ) + '</h3>' )
            .append( msg( 'all-done' ) + '<br>' );
        if ( this.alreadyThere.length ) {
            rep.append( '<h5>' + msg( 'skipped-already', this.alreadyThere.length ) + '</h5>' )
                .append( this.alreadyThere.join( '<br>' ) );

        if ( this.notFound.length ) {
            rep.append( '<h5>' + msg( 'skipped-not-found', this.notFound.length ) + '</h5>' )
                .append( this.notFound.join( '<br>' ) );

        if ( this.connectionError.length ) {
            rep.append( '<h5>' + msg( 'skipped-server', this.connectionError.length ) + '</h5>' )
                .append( this.connectionError.join( '<br>' ) );


*  @brief set parameters for API call,
*      convert targetcat to string, get selected pages/files
*  @param [dom object] targetcat with data
*  @param [string] mode action
*  @return Return API call getTargetCat with pages
    doSomething: function ( targetcat, mode ) {
        var pages = this.getMarkedLabels();
        if ( !pages.length ) { return alert( mw.msg( 'Ooui-selectfile-placeholder' ) ); }
        targetcat = $( targetcat ).closest( 'tr' ).data( 'cat' );

        this.notFound = [];
        this.alreadyThere = [];
        this.connectionError = [];
        this.counterCurrent = 1;
        this.counterNeeded = pages.length;
        this.undoList = [];
        this.XHR = {};
        this.cancelled = 0;
        this.summary = '';

        if ( $( '#cat_a_lot_comment' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { this.summary = window.prompt( msg( 'edit-question' ), '' ); } // TODO custom pre-value
        if ( this.summary !== null ) {
            mw.loader.using( 'jquery.spinner', function () {
                CAL.getTargetCat( pages, targetcat, mode );
            } );


    doAPICall: function ( params, callback ) {
        params = $.extend( {
            action: 'query',
            format: 'json'
        }, params );

        var i = 0,
            apiUrl = this.apiUrl,
            handleError = function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
                mw.log( 'Error: ', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown );
                if ( i < 4 ) {
                    window.setTimeout( doCall, 300 );
                } else if ( params.title ) {
                    this.connectionError.push( params.title );
        doCall = function () {
            var xhr = $.ajax( {
                url: apiUrl,
                cache: false,
                dataType: 'json',
                data: params,
                type: 'POST',
                success: callback,
                error: handleError
            } );

            if ( params.action === 'edit' && !CAL.cancelled ) { CAL.XHR[ params.title ] = xhr; }

    createCatLinks: function ( symbol, list, table ) {
        var button = this.settings.button ? 1 : 0;
        for ( var c = 0; c < list.length; c++ ) {
            var $tr = $( '<tr>' ),
                $link = $( '<a>', {
                    href: mw.util.getUrl( CAL.localCatName + list[ c ] ),
                    text: list[ c ]
                } ),
                $buttons = [];
            $tr.data( 'cat', list[ c ] );
            $link.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
                if ( !e.ctrlKey ) {
                    CAL.updateCats( $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).data( 'cat' ) );
            } );

            $tr.append( $( '<td>' ).text( symbol ) )
                .append( $( '<td>' ).append( $link ) );

            $buttons.push( $( '<a>' )
                .text( msg( 'remove-from-cat' ) )
                .on( 'click', function () {
                    CAL.doSomething( this, 'remove' );
                } )
                .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_move' )
            if ( button ) {
                $buttons.slice( -1 )[ 0 ].button( {
                    icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-minusthick' },
                    showLabel: false,
                    text: false
                } );

            if ( this.origin ) {
            // Can't move to source category
                if ( list[ c ] !== this.origin ) {
                    $buttons.push( $( '<a>' )
                        .text( msg( 'move' ) )
                        .on( 'click', function () {
                            CAL.doSomething( this, 'move' );
                        } )
                        .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_move' )
                    if ( button ) {
                        $buttons.slice( -1 )[ 0 ].button( {
                            icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-e' },
                            showLabel: false,
                            text: false
                        } );

                    $buttons.push( $( '<a>' )
                        .text( msg( 'copy' ) )
                        .on( 'click', function () {
                            CAL.doSomething( this, 'copy' );
                        } )
                        .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_action' )
                    if ( button ) {
                        $buttons.slice( -1 )[ 0 ].button( {
                            icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-plusthick' },
                            showLabel: false,
                            text: false
                        } );

            } else {
                $buttons.push( $( '<a>' )
                    .text( msg( 'add' ) )
                    .on( 'click', function () {
                        CAL.doSomething( this, 'add' );
                    } )
                    .addClass( 'cat_a_lot_action' )
                if ( button ) {
                    $buttons.slice( -1 )[ 0 ].button( {
                        icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-plusthick' },
                        showLabel: false,
                        text: false
                    } );

            // TODO CSS may extern
            var css = button ? { fontSize: '.6em', margin: '0', width: '2.5em' } : {};
            for ( var b = 0; b < $buttons.length; b++ ) { $tr.append( $( '<td>' ).append( $buttons[ b ].css( css ) ) ); }

            table.append( $tr );

    getCategoryList: function () {
        this.catCounter = 0;

    _getPageQuery: function ( data ) {
    // There should be only one, but we don't know its ID
        if ( data && data.query && data.query.pages ) {
            data = data.query.pages;
            for ( var p in data ) { return data[ p ]; }

*  @brief takes this.currentCategory if redir_category is configured
** Cat pages with more than one cat link are still not supported for sure
*  @return soft redirected cat
    solveSoftRedirect: function () {
        this.doAPICall( {
            prop: 'links', // TODO: For more accuracy the revisions could be checked
            titles: 'Category:' + this.currentCategory,
            // 'rvprop': 'content',
            // 'pllimit': 'max',
            plnamespace: 14
        }, function ( page ) {
            page = CAL._getPageQuery( page );
            if ( page ) {
                var lks = page.links;
                if ( lks && lks.length === 1 && lks[ 0 ].title ) {
                    CAL.currentCategory = lks[ 0 ].title.replace( reCat, '' );
                    $searchInput.val( CAL.currentCategory );
                    return CAL.getCategoryList();
                } else {
                // TODO? better translatable warning message: "Please solve the category soft redirect manually!"
                    $resultList.html( '<span id="cat_a_lot_no_found">' + mw.msg( 'Apifeatureusage-warnings', mw.msg( 'Categorytree-not-found', CAL.currentCategory ) ) + '</span>' );
        } );

    showCategoryList: function () {
        if ( this.settings.redir_category && this.settings.redir_category === this.parentCats[ 0 ] ) { return this.solveSoftRedirect(); }

        var table = $( '<table>' );

        this.createCatLinks( '↑', this.parentCats, table );
        this.createCatLinks( '→', [ this.currentCategory ], table );
        // Show on soft-redirect
        if ( $searchInput.val() === this.currentCategory && this.origin !== this.currentCategory ) { this.createCatLinks( '→', [ this.origin ], table ); }
        this.createCatLinks( '↓', this.subCats, table );

        $resultList.append( table );

        document.body.style.cursor = 'auto';

        // Reset width
        $container.width( '' );
        $container.height( '' );
        $container.width( Math.min( table.width() * 1.1 + 15, $( window ).width() - 10 ) );

        $resultList.css( {
            maxHeight: Math.min( this.setHeight, $( window ).height() - $container.position().top - $selections.outerHeight() - 15 ),
            height: ''
        } );
        table.width( '100%' );
        $container.height( Math.min( $container.height(), $head.offset().top - $container.offset().top + 10 ) );
        $container.offset( { left: $( window ).width() - $container.outerWidth() } ); // Fix overlap

    updateCats: function ( newcat ) {
        document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';
        this.currentCategory = newcat;
        $resultList.html( '<div class="cat_a_lot_loading">' + mw.msg( 'Wikieditor-loading' ) + '</div>' );

    doUndo: function () {
        this.cancelled = 0;
        if ( !this.undoList.length ) { return; }

        $( '.cat_a_lot_feedback' ).removeClass( 'cat_a_lot_done' );
        this.counterNeeded = this.undoList.length;
        this.counterCurrent = 1;

        document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';

        var query = {
            action: 'edit',
            user: mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ),
            bot: true,
            minor: this.settings.minor,
            starttimestamp: this.starttimestamp,
            watchlist: this.settings.watchlist,
            tags: this.changeTag,
            token: this.edittoken
        for ( var i = 0; i < this.undoList.length; i++ ) {
            var uID = this.undoList[ i ];
            query.title = uID.title;
            query.undo = uID.id;
            query.basetimestamp = uID.timestamp;
            this.doAPICall( query, function ( r ) {
            // TODO: Add "details" to progressbar?
            // $resultList.append( [mw.msg('Filerevert-submit') + " done " + r.edit.title, '<br>' ] );
                if ( r && r.edit ) { mw.log( 'Revert done', r.edit.title ); }
            } );

    doAbort: function () {
        for ( var t in this.XHR ) { this.XHR[ t ].abort(); }

        if ( this.cancelled ) { // still not for undo
            this.toggleAll( false );
        this.cancelled = 1;

    showProgress: function () {
        document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';
        this.progressDialog = $( '<div>' )
            .html( ' ' + msg( 'editing' ) + ' <span id="cat_a_lot_current">' + CAL.counterCurrent + '</span> ' + msg( 'of' ) + CAL.counterNeeded )
            .prepend( $.createSpinner( { id: 'fb-dialog', size: 'large' } ) )
            .dialog( {
                width: 450,
                height: 180,
                minHeight: 90,
                modal: true,
                resizable: false,
                draggable: false,
                // closeOnEscape: true,
                dialogClass: 'cat_a_lot_feedback',
                buttons: [ {
                    text: mw.msg( 'Cancel' ), // Stops all actions
                    click: function () {
                        $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
                } ],
                close: function () {
                    CAL.cancelled = 1;
                    $( this ).remove();
                open: function ( event, ui ) { // Workaround modify
                    ui = $( this ).parent();
                    ui.find( '.ui-dialog-titlebar' ).hide();
                    ui.find( '.ui-dialog-buttonpane.ui-widget-content' )
                        .removeClass( 'ui-widget-content' );
                /* .find( 'span' ).css( { fontSize: '90%' } )*/
            } );
        if ( $head.children().length < 3 ) {
            $( '<span>' )
                .css( {
                    'float': 'right',
                    fontSize: '75%'
                } )
                .append( [ '[ ',
                    $( '<a>', { title: 'Revert all last done edits' } ) // TODO i18n
                        .on( 'click', function () {
                            if ( window.confirm( mw.msg( 'Apifeatureusage-warnings', this.title + '⁉' ) ) ) {
                                $( this ).parent().remove();
                            return false;
                        } )
                        .addClass( 'new' )
                        .text( mw.msg( 'Filerevert-submit' ) ),
                    ' ]'
                ] ).insertAfter( $link );

        this.domCounter = $( '#cat_a_lot_current' );

    minimize: function ( e ) {
        CAL.top = Math.max( 0, $container.position().top );
        CAL.height = $container.height();
        $container.animate( {
            height: $head.height(),
            top: $( window ).height() - $head.height() * 1.4
        }, function () {
            $( e.target ).one( 'click', CAL.maximize );
        } );

    maximize: function ( e ) {
        $container.animate( {
            top: CAL.top,
            height: CAL.height
        }, function () {
            $( e.target ).one( 'click', CAL.minimize );
        } );

    run: function () {
        if ( $( '.cat_a_lot_enabled' )[ 0 ] ) {
            if ( !this.executed ) { // only once
                $selectInvert.text( mw.msg( 'Checkbox-invert' ) );
                if ( this.settings.editpages && this.pageLabels[ 0 ] ) {
                    $selectFiles.text( mw.msg( 'Prefs-files' ) );
                    $selectPages.text( mw.msg( 'Categories' ) ).parent().show();
                $link.after( $( '<a>' )
                    .text( '–' )
                    .css( { fontWeight: 'bold', marginLeft: '.7em' } )
                    .one( 'click', this.minimize )
            $container.one( 'mouseover', function () {
                $( this )
                    .resizable( {
                        handles: 'n',
                        alsoResize: '#cat_a_lot_category_list',
                        resize: function () {
                                .css( {
                                    maxHeight: '',
                                    width: ''
                                } );
                        start: function ( e, ui ) { // Otherwise box get static if sametime resize with draggable
                            ui.helper.css( {
                                top: ui.helper.offset().top - $( window ).scrollTop(),
                                position: 'fixed'
                            } );
                        stop: function () {
                            CAL.setHeight = $resultList.height();
                    } )
                    .draggable( {
                        cursor: 'move',
                        start: function ( e, ui ) {
                            ui.helper.on( 'click.prevent',
                                function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); }
                            ui.helper.css( 'height', ui.helper.height() );
                        stop: function ( e, ui ) {
                                function () {
                                    ui.helper.off( 'click.prevent' );
                                }, 300
                    } )
                    .one( 'mousedown', function () {
                        $container.height( $container.height() ); // Workaround to calculate
                    } );
                    .css( { maxHeight: 450 } );
            } );
            this.updateCats( this.origin || 'Images' );

            $link.html( $( '<span>' )
                .text( '×' )
                .css( { font: 'bold 2em monospace', lineHeight: '.75em' } )
            if ( this.cancelled ) { $head.last().show(); }
            mw.cookie.set( 'catAlotO', ns ); // Let stay open on new window
        } else { // Reset
                .draggable( 'destroy' )
                .resizable( 'destroy' )
                .removeAttr( 'style' );
            // Unbind click handlers
            this.labels.off( 'click.catALot' );
            this.setHeight = 450;
            $link.text( 'Cat-a-lot' )
            this.executed = 1;
            mw.cookie.set( 'catAlotO', null );

    _initSettings: function () {
        if ( this.settings.watchlist ) { return; }
        this.catALotPrefs = window.catALotPrefs || {};
        for ( var i = 0; i < this.defaults.length; i++ ) {
            var v = this.defaults[ i ];
            v.value = this.settings[ v.name ] = ( this.catALotPrefs[ v.name ] || v['default'] );
            v.label = msg( v.label_i18n );
            if ( v.select_i18n ) {
                v.select = {};
                $.each( v.select_i18n, function ( i18nk, val ) {
                    v.select[ msg( i18nk ) ] = val;
                } );
    /* eslint-disable camelcase */
    defaults: [ {
        name: 'watchlist',
        'default': 'preferences'
    }, {
        name: 'minor',
        'default': false
    }, {
        name: 'editpages',
        'default': project !== 'commonswiki', // on Commons false
        forcerestart: true
    }, {
        name: 'docleanup',
        'default': false
    }, {
        name: 'subcatcount',
        'default': 50,
        min: 5,
        max: 500,
        forcerestart: true
    }, {
        name: 'uncat',
        'default': false
    }, {
        name: 'button',
        'default': true
    } ]
/* eslint-enable camelcase */

// The gadget is not immediately needed, so let the page load normally
$( function () {
    non = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
    if ( non ) {
        if ( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantUserName' ) === non ) { non = 0; } else {
            $.each( [ 'sysop', 'filemover', 'editor', 'rollbacker', 'patroller', 'autopatrolled', 'image-reviewer', 'reviewer', 'extendedconfirmed' ], function ( i, v ) {
                non = $.inArray( v, userGrp ) === -1;
                return non;
            } );
    } else { non = 1; }

    switch ( ns ) {
        case 14:
            CAL.searchmode = 'category';
            CAL.origin = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' );
        /* 其他namespace无法正常使用
        case -1:
            CAL.searchmode = {
            // list of accepted special page names mapped to search mode names
                Contributions: 'contribs',
                Listfiles: non ? null : 'listfiles',
                Prefixindex: non ? null : 'prefix',
                Search: 'search',
                Uncategorizedimages: 'gallery'
            }[ mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) ];
        case 2:
        case 0:
            CAL.searchmode = 'gallery';
            var parents = $( '#mw-normal-catlinks ul' ).find( 'a[title]' ), n;
            parents.each( function ( i ) {
                if ( new RegExp( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ), 'i' ).test( $( this ).text() ) ) {
                    n = i;
                    return false;
            } );
            CAL.origin = parents.eq( n || 0 ).text();

    if ( CAL.searchmode ) {
        var loadingLocalizations = 1;
        var loadLocalization = function ( lang, cb ) {
            switch ( lang ) {
                case 'zh-hk':
                case 'zh-mo':
                case 'zh-tw':
                    lang = 'zh-hant';
                case 'zh':
                case 'zh-cn':
                case 'zh-my':
                case 'zh-sg':
                    lang = 'zh-hans';

            $.ajax( {
                url: commonsURL,
                dataType: 'script',
                data: {
                    title: 'MediaWiki:Gadget-Cat-a-lot.js/' + lang,
                    action: 'raw',
                    ctype: 'text/javascript',
                    // Allow caching for 28 days
                    maxage: 2419200,
                    smaxage: 2419200
                cache: true,
                success: cb,
                error: cb
            } );
        var maybeLaunch = function () {
            function init() {
                $( function () {
                } );
            if ( !loadingLocalizations ) { mw.loader.using( [ 'user' ], init, init ); }

        var userlang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
            contlang = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' );
        if ( userlang !== 'en' ) { loadLocalization( userlang, maybeLaunch ); }
        // if ( $.inArray( contlang, [ 'en', userlang ] ) === -1 ) { loadLocalization( contlang, maybeLaunch ); }
} );

 * When clicking a cat-a-lot label with Shift pressed, select all labels between the current and last-clicked one.
$.fn.catALotShiftClick = function ( cb ) {
    var prevCheckbox = null,
        $box = this;
    // When our boxes are clicked..
    $box.on( 'click.catALot', function ( e ) {
    // Prevent following the link and text selection
        if ( !e.ctrlKey ) { e.preventDefault(); }
        // Highlight last selected
        $( '#cat_a_lot_last_selected' )
            .removeAttr( 'id' );
        var $thisControl = $( e.target ),
        if ( !$thisControl.hasClass( 'cat_a_lot_label' ) ) { $thisControl = $thisControl.parents( '.cat_a_lot_label' ); }

        $thisControl.attr( 'id', 'cat_a_lot_last_selected' )
            .toggleClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' );
        // And one has been clicked before…
        if ( prevCheckbox !== null && e.shiftKey ) {
            method = $thisControl.hasClass( 'cat_a_lot_selected' ) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';
            // Check or uncheck this one and all in-between checkboxes
                Math.min( $box.index( prevCheckbox ), $box.index( $thisControl ) ),
                Math.max( $box.index( prevCheckbox ), $box.index( $thisControl ) ) + 1
            )[ method ]( 'cat_a_lot_selected' );
        // Either way, update the prevCheckbox variable to the one clicked now
        prevCheckbox = $thisControl;
        if ( $.isFunction( cb ) ) { cb(); }
    } );
    return $box;

}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );